Company inventory
Do you deal in vehicles that are your property, but do you not wish to register these vehicles to your own name? You can include these vehicles in your so-called company inventory. For this, you will need a “Bedrijfsvoorraad” authorisation from the RDW. We can help you apply for this authorisation.
Advantages of company inventory
With this authorisation, you can include the vehicles you have purchased in your organisation’s stock. When you purchase vehicles, you can draw up or print your own exemption certificates. Vehicles that are part of your inventory are exempt from motor vehicle tax and mandatory periodic technical inspections. Vehicles that are included in your inventory do need to be ensured, under the Coverage Registration of Company Inventory. This insurance can be taken out with regular insurance companies.
Company inventory: what you need
To include vehicles in your company’s stock, you will need an RDW and “Bedrijfsvoorraad” authorisation (ORB).
You can use our online application for registration. We can also help you apply for the “Bedrijfsvoorraad” authorisation with the RDW. Contact us for more information about the possibilities and our sharp rates.